Michael Cera Facts & Wiki
Where does Michael Cera live? And how much money does Michael Cera earn?
Birth Date | 7-6-1988 |
Heritage/origin | Canadian |
Ethnicity | White |
Religion – believes in God? | Other |
Residence | He owns an apartment in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. |
Michael Cera Net Worth, Salary, Cars & Houses
Estimated Net Worth | 20 million Dollar |
Yearly Salary | N/A |
Product Endorsements | Diesel,Mamuut Denim,Michael Kors |
Colleagues | Emma Stone, Seth Rogen & Portia Doubleday |
Management | Thruline Entertainment, Inc |
Toyota Corolla
Michael Cera: Single, Dating, Family & Friends
Who is Michael Cera dating in 2023?
Relationship status | Single |
Sexuality | Controversial |
Partner | Currently in no confirmed relationship |
Ex-girlfriends or ex-wives | |
Has any kids? | No |
Shall the Canadian actor Michael Cera find love in 2023?
Names of father, mother, kids, brothers & sisters:
Luigi Cera (Father)
Linda Cera (Mother)
Jonah Hill
Skin, Hair & Eye Color
Michael Cera makes commercials for H&M, but actually uses: Old Skool & Zara.
Hair color | Light brown |
Hair type | Curly |
Hair Length | very short hair |
Hairstyle | Caesar |
Distinct feature | eyes |
Skin Tone/Complexion | Type II: Fair skin |
Skin Type | Normal |
Beard or Mustache | Beardless |
Eye Color | Light Brown |
Does Michael Cera smoke? | No, never |
Height, Weight, Body Measurements, Tattoos & Style
Height | 177 cm | Weight | 64 kilo | Clothing style | bohemian |
Favorite colors | brown |
Feet size | 9 |
Does Michael Cera have a tattoo? | No |
Does Michael Cera have official Social Media profiles?